Dear Ministry Partner:
I hope you're enjoying these cool nights and warm days!
There are some truly amazing things happening in the Greater Huntington area. At our last Community Leaders Breakfast we had some very uplifting and encouraging reports. We'd like to invite you to our next Community Leaders Breakfast taking place on Friday, November 5, at 8:30 a.m. at the Lifehouse Fellowship Hall, 404 Washington Ave., Huntington, WV 25701. We will be hosted by Rocky Meadows and his organization.
We know you would enjoy hearing firsthand some of these inspiring reports. As we have mentioned before, this is a great time to connect with other people who really have a heart to see things get better in our community. I hope to see you then. Please let us know if you are coming so that we have enough food for everyone.
I mentioned in our last letter that we are launching our marketplace small groups. We are calling them Destineer Groups. The purpose of the group is to help people in the marketplace who would like to get together on a regular basis to encourage and uplift one another as they study John Maxwell's “21 Laws of Leadership”. If you are interested in being in one of these groups, please let us know. We'll get you in touch with someone who will invite you to one of the groups.
We're also continuing our ministry to our community leaders. We are seeing God being faithful in answering prayers, big and small. One example is how God has been blessing the Huntington Food bank with more resources to help those in need. Come and hear the details at our upcoming Community Leadership Breakfast.
We do ask that you pray for our upcoming Mission Tri-State Retreat that will be taking place on Monday, October 18. The purpose of these retreats is for our Leadership Team to get away and discern what God's next step in His plan to bless and transform this community.
As you know, Mission Tri-State works at providing different ministers and intercessors to be at each of the City Council meetings. If you think you would be interested in helping out as either a ministry leader or as an intercessor, please call Dr. David Frederick at 304-733-5773.
Again, we want to thank you for your support of this ministry. Your prayers and finances make it possible for us to continue our work of connecting the Body of Christ and working together to make our community a better place.
Yours in Christ's service,
Pastor Mike Greider